Many thanks to all those who support DisOrient. Please support them!

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Platinum Sponsors

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Gold Sponsors

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Silver Sponsors

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Leung Martial Arts
Lanzhou Chinese Dish
Willamette University Film Studies Program
Chinese American Benevolent Association
UO School of Law – Conflict & Dispute Resolution Center
Bon Mi
UO East Asian Languages and Literature
UO Counseling Psychology & Human Services
Lani Moku Grill
Da Nang Vietnamese Eatery

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Pearl Sponsors

Benjamin Bejing Wang, PC Attorney at Law
Yujin Gakuen Japanese Immersion School PTO
UO School of Music and Dance
Tea Lady Teas & Everyone’s Cuppa
B & A International
Cal’s Donuts and Angkor Cambodian Restaurant
Rising Phoenix Productions
Community Alliance of Lane County
Toby’s Family Foods
Brails Restaurant
Taste of India
Vanilla Jill’s
Red Wagon Creamery
Jimmy John’s
Bourland Printing
Taiwanese Association of Eugene
OMPA – Oregon Media & Production Association
Oregon Governor’s Office of Film & Television
Eugene Mailbox
Jimmy John’s
Tasty Thai Kitchen

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Silk Sponsors

Japanese American Association of Lane County
Tasty Thai Kitchen
Tailored Coffee Roaster
Oregon Lox Company
The Rabbit Hole
Capella Market
Full City Brewing
Daily Bagel
Sweet Life Patissere
Cosmos Creations Snacks
Sam’s on Franklin
Elegant Elephant Baking Co.
Royal Awards

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Red Carpet Sponsors

Joy and Mark Gall

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Golden Reel Sponsors

Michael Samano and Rosa Chavez
Jiannbin Shiao and Nancy Roth
Misa Joo
Widya and Jason Mak
Mike and Eve Takahashi

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Silver Screen Sponsors

Mitzi Loftus
Howard and Marvy Schuman
Jeff Johnston – Pictures and Words
Kelli Urabe
Krista Chronister
Helen Liu & Glenn May

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Donor Sponsors

Susan Hirata & Mark Young
Jeanie & Steve Mah
Jiannbin Shiao & Nancy Toth
Serena Cox
Leif & Cindy Peterson
Bud & Tausha Merrill
John & Nami Brown
Harmony Walters

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Thank you to our VIP’s, Supporters, and Special Guests

Special Thanks: Mayor Lucy Vinis, Tim Williams, Janice Shokrian, Brady Wakayama, Asian Improv Records, Jamie Leaf, Steve Morizumi, Alex Dang, Patrick Feng, the CABA Lion Dancers, Doug & Donna Crispin, Serena Cox, Lois Yoshige, Twila Souers, Jinpa Yarphel, Somna Lhu, Lobsang Gyatso, Misa Joo, Buck Mueller and Karen Irmscher, Marion Malcolm and Stefan Ostrach, Roger Haney, Mark and Joy Gall, Stuart and Ellen Laing, Doug Heydon, Karsyn Lenn, Loren Kajikawa, Daniel HoSang, Sarah Ebert, Michael Anderson, Theo Halpert, Dorian Crow, Carrie Matsushita, James Chang, Jimmy & Nancy Imamura, Julie Blonshteyn and the marvelous staff of the Bijou Art Cinemas, our volunteers extraordinaire, and many more.



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