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Support the power of storytelling
- your donations make it happen!

DisOrient is an Asian American and Pacific Islander Film Festival that celebrates indie films with authentic Asian Pacific American voices, histories and stories. We highlight social justice themes that translate to universal human experiences. We promote representation, diversity, and inclusion to broaden the narrative of who is American and to strengthen and build community.
We are run by volunteers who donate hundreds of hours to bring these films and filmmakers to Eugene. We also depend on grants and the generous support of sponsors and donors to make the festival happen. Your kind donation will help us illustrate the power of film to educate and create positive change.

We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization with EIN 84-1962927.

We’re a member of the Oregon Cultural Trust! With tax credit, learn how you can double the impact of your cultural donation for free at

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DisOrient Asian American Film Festival of Oregon
1711 Willamette Street Suite 301 #30
Eugene, Oregon 97401