@ Broadway Metro 888 Willamette in Downtown Eugene


Feature Narrative | 90 minutes | New Zealand | Directed by The Whippy Sisters, ‘Ofa-Ki-Levuka Guttenbeil-Likiliki, Matasila Freshwater, Amberley Jo Aumua, Mīria George, Marina Alofagia McCartney, Dianna Fuemana, Becs Arahanga

This portmanteau film was made by nine female Pacific filmmakers, filmed in seven different Pacific countries, and stars eight different indigenous actresses. The story is told in eight vignettes, each portraying the main character, Vai, at a different age and through the lens of a different pacific island culture.

In each of the Pacific nations included, vai is the word for water. Just as the Pacific Ocean connects each distinct landmass and culture, Vai’s persistent fight for self-fulfillment and cultural identity ties each vignette together, weaving them into a beautiful film with a powerful message.

Thursday, March 12, 2020
6:30 pm — 8:00 pm (1h 30′)

Broadway Metro

Feature Narrative