@ UO EMU Redwood Auditorium (Room 214)

In a post-apocalyptic world, a young traveler named JD stumbles across a cabin occupied by Henry, who has been surviving on his own for some time. As their cautious relationship develops, JD and Henry find they have very different approaches to surviving in a hostile world.


77 minutes | USA | Directed by Marvin Choi

Q&A with Writer/Director Marvin Choi and Producer Sara Razack

[su_youtube url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IIb6ruNxiEk” responsive=”yes” autoplay=”no” mute=”no” class=””]

Sunday, March 17, 2019
2:55 pm — 4:35 pm (1h 40′)

University of Oregon

Feature Narrative

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