Response to Violence Against Asian Americans

March 18th, 2021

We, at the DisOrient Asian American Film Festival of Oregon, extend support and encouragement to members and allies of the Asian American community in Oregon and beyond.  Our hearts go out to the friends, family members and loved ones of those who suffered and continue to suffer from anti-Asian American violence.  The recent shootings in Atlanta are another vivid and unwelcome reminder that there are people who will act on their ignorance and intolerance toward Asian Americans, particularly Asian American women.

The story of America is one rooted in oppression and discrimination toward people of color.  We cannot fully attain the ideals of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness while we continue to tolerate the xenophobia, privilege, and biases that allow others to target Asian Americans.

We refuse to accept injustice and intolerance directed toward ourselves or others in the BIPOC community.  Please visit Stop AAPI Hate, APANO and Asian Americans Advancing Justice for information on how to get involved.

We appreciate your support of DisOrient, which each year helps its audience learn about the diversity and complexity of the experiences of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders. We hope the festival increases understanding, acceptance, and support of Asian American and Pacific Islander communities.

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